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IBES Project Management/Job Cost

Ibes Corporation

IBES Project Management/Job Cost module is an organized system fortracking and reporting on project costs, dates, and expenditure. Ittracks and maintains history on projects from original estimates throughall revisions. User-defined cost categories make it flexible. The systemencompasses various budgeting and utilization analyses. This module canbe integrated with Accounts Payable, Purchasing, Accounts Receivable,Inventory, Material Requirement Planning, Shop Order Tracking, GeneralLedger, Order Processing, and Payroll.IBES Project Management/Job Cost module uses multiple billing formats,provides hierarchical reporting levels for managers and technicians,works with estimating and budgeting by cost category and employee,maintains multiple levels of overhead allocation, tracks commitment forprojects through outstanding purchase orders, reports variances on allestimates and costs, and does time reports and estimating worksheets.

Language: Informix-4GL
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Informix-4GL of RDS
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2 Solaris x86 2.0

Ibes Corporation
16775 Addison Rd Suite 614
Dallas, TX 75248
Phone: (214) 732-0015
Fax: (214) 732-7637